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Writing Tutor Program Policies


The BCoE Writing tutors are happy to review any document with which engineering students might need assistance. Documents submitted are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. You can send them email at with the document attached, and they will comment electronically and send it back to you. Or, you can bring a hard copy to McCain 202 during any of their office hours above, which they will then mark up by hand and email you when they are ready to be picked up.


There is a hard 20-page limit on submissions for review. If the document exceeds 20 pages (like a thesis or dissertation), we ask that it be broken up into 20-page increments. They will read and review the first 20 pages, send those back to you, and then you may send on the next 20 pages, and so on, until the document is finished.


The tutors will only read submissions during their office hours, so please keep this in mind when contacting them. For example: if something is due at 5PM on the day you submit it at 3:30PM, they may be busy with other students’ work, or there may not be any tutors holding office hours at that time. If there is any sort of quickly approaching due date or other time crunch, please let them know in your message so they can adjust accordingly. Otherwise, please allow at least one day for each document to be reviewed and returned (perhaps more for documents that are split up in 20-page increments).


The BCoE Writing Tutors look forward to hearing from you and are ready to help.


If you have questions or concerns about the Shackouls TCP Tutoring Program, please contact John Brocato, Shackouls TCP Coordinator, at, at 662-325-1493, or in McCain 202.

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